I am NOT 23 anymore
I am NOT 23 anymore
I am NOT 23 anymore
I am NOT 23 anymore
I am NOT 23 anymore....
I am glad to be alive cuz this festival (my first((I'm a late bloomer)) ) kicked the shit out of me! But I wouldn't trade the memory of this for the world.
ok, I'll make this short. I'm glad the seven of us left early(Weds eve) because the old brown bomber of a diesel engined R.V that my buddy borrowed had a quarter tank of gas(when we were under the impression that it was full) and a faulty gas gauge.
heehee HA
we got about 200 miles into "The Journey"when the next thing we know we conk out RIGHT at the Weyers Cave exit (number 235) on highway 81. It's 1:00 in the the morning we were all laaaughin and siiiiingin
and driiiiiiinkin....we run out of gas.
200 yards up the highway we get more gas we bring it back in red containers. AHRER RER RER RER RER RER.
CUT to 13 hours later still hanging tough by "The Roadside." The Samurai roadside messiah has been working feverishly for over 6 hours on our wheezing elderly diesel engine, alternating shots of fuel being sprayed directly into his mouth and swigs of warm Gatorade, his Prowess finally pays off as the last of the air in the gas lines is finally purged and the Beast sputters bangs then BY GOD FIRES!
We all rejoice for we are back in business. just in time I thought, because "The Group" was allllllllllllllmost ready to fall upon this cat
and burn his body by the roadside. But high appreciation was shown and a new fuel filter and fuel-air seperater were installed
and we were off.
laaaaaughin and siiiingin
and drinkin'....
and if we could have gone faster than 25- 30 miles an hour up those ffffffuckin' 9 mile hills out there in West Virginia and Kentucky and Tennessee....

But we made it. We rolled into Bonnaroo about 28 hours after we left Pennsylvania. We were all about half-past dead but none the worse for wear. We set up camp and joined the fray...
end part 1