its not bullshit. Super Mountain Dew Man.. WAS with me. See his arms and legs were of my own hallucinations.. his cape MIGHT have been.. that one I'm unsure of.. and I did throw him out when he was feeling empty inside.
I know where I am.... I'm not just here.. well I am while I type this.. but in a matter of seconds I won't be here, but rather elsewhere.
KWSN = Bullshit
I mean come'on read between the lines....
On the bright side, I'm no longer here... to Fear (that was a rhyme there) Mr. Bullshitting KDubsn. Thus I will not be wearing my bullshit proof hat.. I'd wear it if shit was flyin'... but only you good sir, Flyman, will do the flying.
Of course when you do.... I might need some of your magic sticks so that I may fly too.
GakFace has left the building!