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Old 06-16-2004, 11:13 PM   #27 (permalink)
Location: Kentucky
Originally posted by timalkin
There are many people who would love the opportunity to have a faithful relationship with the person you're cheating on, but will never get that chance, for one reason or another. Stop being so fucking selfish and treat people the way you want to be treated.
You know, as inflammatory of a post as this is, I agree with him. Quit being selfish and trying to get it all. You people make me sick. You same cheating fuckers are more responsible for emotionally scarring people than any other group in existance. But... before you report my post to moderators, read my next paragraph.

Fallon, I am not directing this towards you, or anyone else in this thread. I have strong feelings against cheaters... but I say these things with the greateast amount of sensitivity possible... my own brother was a cheater. In the worst way possible, and his life was ruined when he was found out. His guilt consumed him.

But even the serial cheaters will agree that it is better to not cheat and not have remorse than cheat and have remorse. This should be self explanatory. If one person, somewhere, reads a post like timalkins , or yours Fallon, and says "Damn. Maybe I should think this over before calling him/her up.... ", then it is all worthwhile.

But not everyone responds to the same style of writing. Fallon can talk about regret , and someone might counter "Well, at least you've tried it, I'll go ahead" and timalkin could talk about being a piece of shit for cheating, and someone could dismiss his argument as being "pathetic and bitter". But someone could also agree with one of you... I've seen no pro-cheating posts in this thread so far...
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