What I find most disturbing about this incident, the little heathen didn't complain. The foster momma didn't complain. Who did? The brother. What'd he do? go to the district officials, not even the school. Now no idea of the age of this kid, but I'd guess early teens, and he's on the road to not taking any responsibility for one's own actions at all.
The teacher's union is pretty damn strong, and as much as I thoroughly detest that union, they should try to do a little good, they've as much as said, this teacher can't be fired because of tenure, but how about using it as an example to allow some discipline in the classroom. Not saying have a board of education in the classroom, but a child has to learn consequences.
Back when I was this kid's age, ok, it was parochial school, but the nuns and lay teachers put up with no nonsense from kids at all. If I ever got in trouble at school, I'd rather get the punishment from the teachers because I knew damn well I'd get it twice as bad when I home. Different time, different place, most people I know in my age group, lived in fear of the board of education and a paddling, but, we all managed to make it to adulthood with no visible scarring.
For years, I taught math in a NYC evening high school, for a few years, it's amazing what these kids could get away with saying, and doing, and what little authority I, as the teacher, had to do about it. Kid gets suspended for mouthing off? Hot damn, they've got a vacation.
What exactly is wrong with getting some discipline back in the schools.
[end rant]
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