Anyone still use the command line?
Recently I've been going on IRC in BitchX via a Unix Shell connection. For talking to friends, it is just as good as mIRC. I actually like the feel of the command line interface a lot, feels like it's the good old days again. I realize a GUI, any GUI, is "better" but I still am enjoying what the command line has to offer.
However, I can't see myself every using it for everything. Reading e-mail, typing text files and chatting are very nice, but browsing the web is a joke with Lynx, since 99% of sites are garbage in text mode.
I also always have to have a GUI open in the background to play mp3s and talk to people on AIM/ICQ.
At any rate, I was just wondering if anyone used the command line still. Do any of the hardcore Linux/Unix Slashdot type guys actually use it fulltime?