Drinking and slutting around will f- your life up. Get away. Take a vacation. Do something different. Make a change - even a small one.
I believe that there are two types of men. There are the ones that do their own thing, make coin, get an advanced degree, and generally don't give a crap about what women think. They meet with a lot of criticism from women because they get billed as cold, insensitive, players. They get this flak because they are tired of bullshit - and a lot of what women do today is bullshit. I'll bet any amount of money that the ones that women rag on the most did not start out that way. They got to be that way because they have been worked. Women are the greatest thing ever but no one ever asks why some men simply ar etired of them. Men get tired of this silly game women call a relationship because it robs them of their identity. The first thing that starts to happen in any relationship is change. As in, she looks to change him. To mold him into some whiny soap-opera wussy. Some guys, me included, have taken stock in the beauty of that one great relationship and have let it go. She made her choice. Walk away. You can be fond of the memory all you want but get away from her any way you can.
The other types of men are doormats. They are the ones that go around moaning and catering to the popular notion that women have of what a man should be. This is the most simple definition of misery. Simply put, you can toe this line and attempt to be "the perfect guy" and still come up with little more than a goodbye kiss on the cheek and something cheesy like- "you will always hold a special place in my heart" blah blah blah. Forget that noise.
It absolutely is the worst. Yes. There is nothing as painful as wanting what you can't have, not being able to release that hope that she'll come back, or that aching numbness where a sweet woman (hopefully) used to be. Work, study, work out, swim, run, jog, walk, meditate, do yoga, take up another language, travel, change your phone number and email address. Do what ever it takes to get away.