I absolutely love this fucking show.
i'm going to borrow some quotes -
"It's a great way to watch how all these different personalities come together, and how they need to have some sort of organizing principle under which they're guided, otherwise they'll just all kill each other."
"Even though this is a period piece, it won't feel like it. It will feel like: I know that person, I know somebody like that, or I am like that person."
"The emotions are very real and incredibly moving. The audience will never know what to expect from scene to scene. One minute they'll be angry about something, and the next minute they'll be crying. The audience will never get bored."
I especially find these character so very interesting:
Seth Bullock - this man is hard. his only weakness is that he has a conscious, he's his own worst enemy. He's the type of man that men want to be. His actions, mannerisms, and stone cold tone and seriousness are some favorite characteristics. Sone of my favorite moments are his confrontations with AL. some memorable quotes, "Don't tell me what the Fuck I mean!" when Al corrects him and "We understand eachother..." after he promises to hold Al accountable for the widow's claim.
Al Swearengen - Evil. The most charasmatic, cunning, evil character I have EVER experienced, be it in a novel, watched on a show, or met in person. I even like his flaws, such as thinking he's more intelligent than he actually his. He will die, we all know it, and it ain't going to pretty. I'm really interested how it's going to play out.
Alma Garret - seems a bit cold and the perfect match for Bullock. Just wish they would stop "pretending" they aren't going to get together.
Sol Star - the perfect sidekick. Probably too smart for his own good and his attraction to Trixie is going to bite him in the ass. His heart is his weakness.
Wild Bill Hickok - He could of been Seth Bullock. He just traveled a different road is all. He's at the end of his rope and as he told his partner Charlie Utter - "Let me go to Hell the way I want to...". And he did exactly that.
Calamity Jane an alcoholic sewer mouth with a heart of gold. Jane needs direction, but she goes out of her way not to find it. In this she reminds me a bit of Trixie.
Charlie Utter - Your trusted friend. Wordly-wise and easy to relate to. This is the kind of person you can understand why Wild Bill would appropriate to look out for his interests.
Trixie I can't understand her. I can't identify with her personally yet I know many people exactly like her. She represents 90% of the women in my life. Fuck 'em. "Where's that fuckin' whore!"
E.B. Farnum Witty and intelligent but he needs the common sense that Al posses. Under Al's guidance E.B. is potentially one of the most underatted threats.
Dan Dority - Ruthless and has just enough common sense and intelligence to keep up with Al. Dan just doesn't have the higher aspirations of E.B or Al. Obviously has a weakness for young innocent pussy.
Johnny Burns - Not a lick of common sense, and not very bright and easily manipulated. We all know a guy like this. Every once and a while he might suprise us with an intelligent action... or just luck.
Doc Cochran - A healer with a dark turned mind. Very pesimistic but extremely realistic. I love his brutal honesty.
AW Merrick - Very intelligent man who likes to hear himself talk. Thinks himself a man of the community but lacks the initiative to take charge. I would think he would have been better choice as the Mayor. However, just as in real life, guys more like E.B. are the mayors...
Brom Garret - the prime example of a "gentle"man. His weakness was that he was too trusting. He's too Optimistic, to the point it's obnoxious.
Rev. H.W. Smith - Poor soul. A victim of unfortunate circumstance and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it. We are realistically forced to watch him waste away. Anyone who lost a friend or family member to an uncurable disease can easily relate.
Jack McCall - this guy was born to be hanged. Hell, most of us are. Is it so wrong of us to want to see this cocksucker finished. Unfortunately, I know way too many people like this.
Cy Tolliver - This guy fuckin' scares me, and not in a good way... Unlike Al, Cy has no compassion. His sarcastic outlook and sadistic premise for making a "fresh" start make me want to puke. Even his twofaced smile screams "I'd fuck your grandma in the ass, make you watch, and pay me $50.00". He will never be satisfied. He' the definition of a Son of a Bitch.
Some of my favorite moments -
E.B. 's soliloqy(sp?) while he's cleaning up a bloodstain off the floor (so he doesn't have to lower his hotel rates) contemplating his position in Al's bid to get the Widow to sell her claim.
The confrontations between Seth and Al.
The intereaction between the Doctor and Calamity Jane.
The fucked to hell relationship between Al and Trixie.
In fact, the scene where Trixie returns to the Gem Saloon after unsuccessfully trying to kill herself and she lays that huge gold nugget on his bedside counter. Al grabs her arm and makes her show the fucked up needle marks. She slaps him then undresses as he pulls the covers over for her and she gets into his bed. This is an oscar worthy performance. I'm betting that this show will get numerous Cable Ace awards...