Originally posted by ^Ice_Bat^
And of North Korea, why risk nuclear war? You speak of casualties, your North Cal butt would lie in a giant West coast ash tray. The harsh reality is you either fight a war, or let the war come home. Which is better? These weapons were in Saddams custody at one point. Mass graves are evidence. They were either a) distroyed, or b) sent over to Syria.
You would think that this "imminent threat" nonsense would be firmly discredited by now. Bush and co. have backed away from the idea (it's about the Iraqi people now, remember?), but I guess not everyone has gotten the message. Do you really think that Saddam Hussein was likely to launch an attack on the US? What kind of sense does that make?
As for the cruelty of Saddam's regime, yes, that is undeniable. However, remember that it was not "cruelty" that led us to war in the first place. Also, this same cast of characters has a rich history of supporting tyrants whenever it is advantageous to them, so their humanitarian cries ring more than a little hollow to me.
Edited for grammar