05-27-2004, 06:36 PM
#13 (permalink)
Originally posted by toxic515
I'm going to have to come back and answer this later on. I started answering and discovered myself ranting.
Short version is this: What she has CHOSEN to do is a direct and intentional act of disrespect. You need not be unkind, but to tolerate this on a continual basis will allow it to become a pattern that will be VERY damaging in the long run. Eventually it will lead to a miserable marriage, or divorce. Address the issue. Do not allow the behavior to have the desired effect, or it is the same as rewarding the action. Any human is entitled to defend himself against attack, and frankly, I see this as an attack... it's a game we don't play around here, ever, and we've got 13 happy years to show for it.
PMS does not alleviate personal responsability. One is responsible for one's own actions. "I drank too much" = I chose to do so. not "get out of jail free" same goes for PMS, bad back, crappy day, whatever/
Good advice.