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Old 05-26-2004, 09:18 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: Oregon
So, John Henry, if it means anything, I'm going into about my 3rd week after breaking up with my S/O of 4 years (had a savings account just for the ring). I know she's been sleeping with someone else, because that's what she said she wanted to do, and in all fairness, it's understandable, she'd been dating me since she was 17, aka, her entire adult life. I saw her last night when she came over to pick up some cleaning supplies, and I saw the remements of a hickey on her neck, and while it utterly discussed me to think of her with someone else, what I found coming to the mind even more, is that I missed the idea of her as a g/f, far more than the actuality of her as a g/f. It sucks as first, specialy at night, when you're used to sleeping with someone, but it really does pass.

I said before that drinking just comes with my friends, and I think some people may have mis-understood me. Drinking comes with me too..for the past 10 years or so we have always had a few beers when we get togeather, now, I just see them every day instead of once or a twice a week (which, ironicaly, was a point of contention between my ex and myself. not the drinking, but she thought I always wanted to hang out with my friends more than her).

So, to sum it up, just kind of deal with it and try to differentiate between actually feeling sad, and just being whiney. I found if I watch the whineyness, I can out-think my heart and realise some things. Like just being lonely, isn't nessisarly a good reason to get back togeather.. and being "comfortable" never got anyone anywhere. All the big achievers in life, tend to take some kind of risk, and getting back with someone because you're comfortable with them, could possible be a huge waste of someone even more incredible, that you wouldn't meet otherwise.
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