Originally posted by John Falcon
It looks like the newest patch addresses the M-60/LAW problem.
Yep. While I LOVED the old M60 and RPD, I agree that they were way too powerful. I wouldn't mind having them back, but I'm definitely getting used to the "new" M60 and RPD.
My solution to the M60 problem was this: take the M79 Grenade Launcher and LAW out of the M60 class and combine them into one, making an anti-armor class. Give the M60 class grenades, and that's it. That would have solved *everything.* Well, except for the fact that those two machineguns were still really, really powerful.
I use the Type-56/RPG combo on NVA now and the M60/M79 combo on US. Sometimes I use the CAR-15 or M15 on the US side. I would use the M16, but I'm not sure I like the M16. I don't like the AK-47 either, so I guess I just hate light assault rifles.