Originally posted by Maveric
freeze a can of shaving cream/foam. after it's frozen use a can opener to take off the bottom. leave it in someone's desk drawer to thaw out, usually takes about thirty minutes... plan accordingly.
This just moved to my top ten list.
This isn't a big thing and a lot of you can probably do it but we have been enjoying it. Myself and another friend have been tormenting a third friend.
(What are friends for after all?)
He wrote a small script that lets us play random wave files on her computer from either of our computers, this is at work.
One of us or the other have often been in her office when these sounds occur and she has complained to the both of us about this problem. What a suprise that we can't seem to find out what the problem is.
Hmmmm. I think that today is bullwinkle.wav day.
Bwah haa haa haa
One of my all time favorites is old but tried and true. Snapshot a friends desktop. Move all the icons from the desktop to a folder. Make the snapshot of the desktop be the current wallpaper.