Originally posted by sixate
When my dad's PC came home from the store, I was there because I helped him pick it out, it took about 30 seconds longer than my PC just to bot up, everything loads slower, and his cpu is a 2.4 Celeron. There is no fucking way in hell that a 900MHz cpu will run XP like my XP3200+.. Period. This isn't even worth discussing.
You're trying to say that a system just over the minimum requirements will run as fast as a system that is overkill...... Are you even listening to yourself? I'll stack my PC up next to yours and I'll bet my life on the fact that everything runs twice as fast.
Uhh, you're comparing a store bought computer to a custom built computer. The thread starter is building it himself. A store-bought computer comes with a hundred useless programs on it, some of which are considered spyware and adware out of the box. Store bought computers are the slowest pieces of shit on the planet, and you simply can't compare them to custom-built PCs. You're computer savvy, so I'd give his PC a nice FCKGW and make it fast again. My computer would take forever to start up too if it had 50 useless programs installed on it from day one. I bet all of those are set to boot into task manager when Windows starts as well. No wonder it's slow! Your Athlon XP 3200+ would be that slow if it had that much store-bought ad shit on it.
I'm not saying that a system just over minimum requirements is overkill. I'm saying that a system over the *recommended* requirements is overkill, but ONLY overkill if the person isn't gonna go video editing/50 MB Photoshop files/gaming. If it's just a casual PC, then a 900 MHz will do the job fine.
Your dad's PC may be able to store digital photos and inverse the colors with that awesome store program, it may be able to tell you what time it is on 3 different clocks, it may be able to record your voice and distort it for your family members so you can send it through e-mail in trade of jokes littered with spyware, it might even have the power to have 13 printer drivers installed...but Jesus, it's NOT going to start up fast if you bought it from the store. There's no comparison. Even browsing Windows is a pain on those shitcans. I formatted and reinstalled Windows on my mom's PC when she bought it from the store. I couldn't take it anymore.