Thread: Morrowind
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:24 AM   #84 (permalink)
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The game is very demanding on the PC. They recommend a 500 MHz PII, 128MB RAM, and a 32MB Vid card. I would like to see how it actually runs on that system because I have an AMD 2600, 1 GB RAM, and a 9600 AIW Pro and I still get bad framerates at times. I do usually leave several things running in windows while playing like mIRC, Kazaa, IE, etc., but that shouldn't change it that much (I think).

Originally posted by saut
I'm practically invincible as it is, sans potions. My full set of daedric armor enchanted with constant restore heath (about 10/s total) and fortify strength (about an extra 50, which lets me carry A LOT) do quite nicely.
I haven't explored enchanting yet, other than making some cast when used night vision goggles from a glass helmet. I was stupid and chose it as a major skill. I have made other enchanted items, but never saved with them. I heard a lot about how hard it is to do CE enchanting, but I've never failed at it, even with an enchant skill under 40. To supplement, I got downed a buttload of fort int and fort luck potions to get both stats above 3000. I guess it is cheating in a way... I just don't know what I should enchant things with so that I don't unbalance the game too much. I should probably bump the difficulty slider up.
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