Originally posted by pigglet
The other is : do y'all think that a drug, in general, actually fucks a person up, or is it the experiences and the psychological baggage that one acquires while on the drugs, or in the circle of people that use?
as far as pot is concerned... I think the psychological baggage mainly comes from the culture, or circle of people that use. I think that the fact that it is illegal, and so people feel they need to cover their back or protect themselves is a very large reason it's abuse can get ugly. The "drug" itself may cause a little of it, but I think it's the people/culture involved with it that have a greater effect on its end/long term results than the drug itself.
Thanks for all the support, I haven't heard of a single person who's regretted quiting either (but guess if they regretted quiting they'd just go back to using anyway).
I definitely support people's right to smoke it, and am going to be an avid supporter of decriminalization of pot, but now we'll see where it takes me.
I'm moving out of the house I was in. I'm currently couch surfing for the time being till I figure out what I'm going to do. But that's a whole 'nother thread.