I listened to a great interview this afternoon on the way to work on our major AM talkback station where they spoke to the doctor that was on board and delivered the initial first aid on the father.
He described the injuries the boy recieved quite frankly and the emotion was evident as he related the fact that a seven yr old boy with every rib on one side of his body broken,a puncture in both lungs and a broken arm walked back just intent on getting help for his Dad.
He could hardly breathe and was literally close to death when he came in and told his Mum.
They had to drain both lungs and it was touch and go with him for most of Saturday night,but when he was able to communicate properly the first thing he said was "is Dad alright"?
I nearly had to stop the car.
That is so fucking special.
This kid is a hero and will grow up to be a very talented and inspirational adult.
There's a fine line between participation and mockery