Originally posted by Cynthetiq
doesn't the state have a moral obligation to those that it provides standard care?
If the parents aren't being dutiful parents is it MY responsibility to foot the bill when I have already decided that I wish to NOT have children?
Either it is your duty or the children that are uncared for shall starve... I believe you and most people prefer to take responsibility when that is the choice.
As a society I think we all have a responsibility for each other.
if America can afford a war with Iraq I think it can afford to provide for children who's parents can't look after them.
When you think about, what is the option? The only way you can effectively stop people who are too poor or otherwise not fit to look after their kids from producing more children is forced sterilisation, or forced abortions.
I for one would rather pay a few extra dollars (or pounds in my case) than live in a society like that., or any society where the state is permitted to tell people they cannot have sex, or that they must not have children (the parents could well be catholic and thus unable to use contraception?)