Waiting tables at the country club. Very, very bad job. Most people were alright, but many had too much money, and the arrogance that comes with it. Example: One lady sent back her dinner EVERY time she came, which was about twice a week. Another, a lady (the women were the worst) never ordered anything remotely close to what was being offered on the menu.
It was an awful job, made worse by: we did not get tipped. Which was probably a good thing, cause these people were pretty tight with the cash anyhow. But you took all their crap for a lousy seven bucks an hour. In the end, they could have a terrible meal and you'd get paid the same, so there was no real incentive to put up with their crap. I think some of them just got their jollies by being able to make a stink and having people care about it even though they were knocking on deaths door.
I moved on after about a year, and made much better money at the local rib joint.