I think his message has a point. The delivery of that message is what's lacking. It's the delivery that everybody seems so upset with.
I remember over the weekend he died, I saw mention of it on the internet and thinking "Well, isn't that sad."
Over the course of the next few days, however, I begged for the news channels to find something else to cover. Maybe it was a slow news day, maybe it was an easy story, but every news channel was guilty of milking the situation of this guy's death for all it was worth. They had former coaches, former teammates, people who knew him, people who knew the family, and a whole slew of others who might have come in contact with Mr. Tillman over the years. The media blitz was phenomenal.
I certainly don't mean to make light of it as there is a certain heroic element to sacrificing personal gain to serve your country thousands of miles away in anonymity, but I didn't see this kind of coverage for any of the other soldiers. I didn't see any of the friends and families of Cpl. Jason Dunham, Sgt. Elmer Krause, Pfc. Shawn Edwards and Sgt. Dimitar Dimitrov all of which died or whose remains were discovered with 24 hours of Mr. Tillman's death. Was Mr. Tillman's sacrifice so much greater than the others that died to warrant the blitz of media coverage?
Regardless of what your personal feelings are for Mr. Gonzalez, the article, I think, has some merit. Why the glorification of Mr. Tillman? He was a man who chose to serve the same as hundreds of thousands of others. He was a man who sacrificed the sames as hundreds of thousands of others. By all personal accounts he was a fellow who wouldn't have approved of all the attention he's getting, yet here we are. Is it because he sacrificed money? glory? fame?
By all means, please explain it to me as I guess my education is woefully lacking.
No signature. None. Seriously.
Last edited by guthmund; 05-01-2004 at 09:58 AM..