Originally posted by ketamine
While I have read the article and strongly disagree with the point it makes, I propose this question:
What does it say about our society that Pat Tillman is on the news, being hailed as a hero, being awarded posthumous medals, etc, while the other American and Coalition deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are simply reported as numbers?
They are honoring him because of what he gave up to serve his country.
I am pretty biased on this issue, my father is in Kuwait right now serving in the army and my brother is in the air force training to be a fighter pilot; so as you may have figured out, im a patriot for my country 100%.
If this was a family member of mine that was being defamed as such or disrepected, I'd have to throw a beatin' to the commentator, but I do, in this case, respect the righters freedom of speech. One thing I would like to know is this: Does Mr. Gonzales realize that he is aloud to write that paper because of soldiers like Pat Tillman and the sacrifices that they made for us?
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