Although I hate Bush, and don’t particularly like Kerry, I despise Edwards most of all. This little ratbastard is the very reason medical coverage in this country is so screwed up. Before becoming the great and wonderful Senator from North Carolina (where might I add he had no shot in hell of being reelected which is why he ran for President) Edwards made his millions suing doctors over frivolous lawsuits driving up the price of malpractice insurance in his state to obscene numbers, which I can guarantee you was eventually passed on to the patient. It is little weasels like this guy who need to be drug out into the street and beat by every senior citizen, single mother, struggling young family, or anyone else for that matter, who cannot afford medical coverage in this country (or if you are unlucky enough to live in one of those states where medical malpractice insure is incredibly obscene, finding a doctor at all can be a challenge because they have all left).
So who would I like to see run? I think a Carrottop/Clinton (Bill) ticket would be ideal. Then after a week in Carrottop can quit to go write his memoirs, and we can let Bill get back to running this country again.
(damn 22 amendment)