Originally posted by SecretMethod70
The way I see it, according to Occam's Razor, the soul would be introduced into the being at the same time as fertilization. Least number of steps to achieve a means.
Well, wouldn't that be an unnecessary step at that point? There are so many things that could go wrong during pregnancy, it seems more likely a soul would be allocated at the last moment before birth.
Seems like a lot of extra work to assign souls to every zygote, when many might never make it to being a baby.
NOTE: This is not to say I think abortion is ok up until birth, this is merely my take on the soul introduction issue.
Personally, I think the current laws regarding the limit to first-trimester abortions are fine. In my eyes, that is not a baby yet, not by a long shot. If it can't survive outside the mother by itself, then it is simply a mass of cells still growing, and not a person.