Originally posted by Luki
I know how you feel, I was the middle child for a long time, and being the only female. My older brother was like my little brother is now, although his was a bit worse, he tried to kill me(we won't get into that) my little brother doesn't know about it.
I don't have advice for you and your brothers. I have a suggestion for
you: get some counselling. You're letting the men in your life beat you. You don't deserve that. They, and you, were clearly brought up by some kind of violent asshole and are still suffering the results of that. Said it yourself in this thread. You can't offer others assistance while you're still suffering yourself. You need the perspective of getting out of that cycle of violence in order to be able to explain it to your younger brother.
They tend not to listen to me.
Why is that? Sounds like a piece of the whole situation: you've all been "told" over time that women aren't worth spit. They're to be beat on. You yourself seem to feel that way about yourself, or you'd have been proactive about this years ago when your older brother was beating you.
Get help for yourself first. Now.