I'd like to make a small note on their behavior over at the Some Idiot Forums...
1) If you have only seen parts of Office Space and wasn't terribly impressed by it, you deserve to be put on probation according to them. (I have seen Office Space, and it's pretty cool...but this is an experiment)
2) If you play tennis, you are gay.
3) If you know any women at all, you must post naked pictures of them...with or without their consent.
4) Bumping is a no-no. (to be fair, I'm purposely making them mad; I'm bumping my topic with a super-lame joke as soon as it's not the very top thread in the forum)
5) If you post, you're a fuckwit.
More info as it comes. =P
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit."