Manhunt, GTA, or Solider of Fortune.
GTA is more open-ended, so if you wanna turn it on and do nothing but what YOU wanna do (kill people, run them over, punch them, etc), then that'd be a good choice.
Soldier of Fortune, from the small amount I've played, is like your avg first person shooter, but, like mentioned above, you have the ability to shoot specific limbs off.
Manhunt is kinda like a sneak/attack type of game. You sneak your way around levels and walk up behind people. You hit the "Execute" button to kill them with a specific item you have (glass shard, plastic bag, crowbar, to name a few). The longer you hold the execute button down without them noticing you, the more gruesome the death is. There are 3 levels of gore.. 0-1 seconds is the basic death, 2-3 is a moderate death, and anything above is a gruesome death.
Another good way to release frustration, IMO, would be an online FPS like Unreal Tournament or Quake 3. Those aren't AS violent as the above games, but.. they do a pretty good job of "I just wanna kill some people."
I love lamp.