I also have to say, if youre gonna play online, get into a gaming community, and start doing PCW's and ladder games... its alot more fun, and you more often than not get passwords to privat servers and get to play serious games without all the newbish public shit. In my opinion playing public makes you wourse, only times i play public is with friends at night. And when it comes to camping, i dont like it, i dont respect it, but i wont compain about it, cause i have been known to do it myself when it is a favourable strategy (lets face it, anyone good at rushing and flanking is good at camping and knows what to expect). But if camping bothers you, stop playing public, and start playing pcw's, its alot easier to keep track of who is camping and where, and its alot harder to camp and "rack up scores" when an entire team is on ventrilo and knows where you are.