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Old 04-21-2004, 10:13 AM   #6 (permalink)
BFG Builder
Location: University of Maryland
Make sure it's an environment that you want to spend time in. Is this a place that you intend to solely use on your own, or would it be a family space that also happens to be your office during the weekday? One option suggests seclusion is better, while the other design would be better off in the open and connected with the rest of the house.

In terms of equipment, your desk will probably be the most important purcahse because it will last the longest. Make sure the desk is large enough to handle all the space you would like (and then some), but is ergonomic enough to not be uncomfortable. The front of the desk should be rounded to ensure your hands aren't pinched while typing.

A chair is the second most important thing. I'm 6'9" and weigh 300 lbs, so I own an absolutely massive chair designed for people of my size. It's better to splurge on a high quality chair than to have to constantly replace older ones.

Equipment most likely depends on what your job needs. I would probably do my best to integrate everything into a single system (computer, fax, copier, printer, stereo, etc) to conserve space and improve efficiency. If you like music, consider spending a reasonable amount of money on a get speaker system.

Lighting is important. Make sure your room gets plenty of natural light; natural "soft" light has shown to relieve stress and improve productivity. It's also free. Windows with a view are always good, especially on days when the weather is nice out.

Beyond that you should talk with your wife about what both of you want to get out of this space, and go from there. Remember: comfort is key.

Hope this helps.
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