My son was prone to temper tantrums as a toddler and one day in Walmart, he started one just as we got to the check-out line. Customers were starting to stare as I tried not to lose it and calm him down. I finally told him to stick out his tongue. Sobbing, he did so. Then, I told him, now sing your ABC song. Through tears, he began, AthBTH THee....everyone around us starting laughing and pretty soon, so did he.
Second quick one: with twins, quiet is not normal. At 16 months,they were in the playroom (i kept a child gate at the doorway) and it got pretty quiet except the faint sound of a Nintendo 64 game. I grabbed the video camera(I taped them every day for several minutes) sneaked in and saw my son sitting there in front of the tv, controller in hand, playing a game he put into the console and, after saying 'uh-oh, I got killt', would hit 'reset' and go again. And this was a kid who, when he spoke, didn't say anything anyone could understand!!(he is now, at 12, a major computer whiz)