Some questions about owning a Rottweiler
Hello all,
First of all, mods, I wasnt quite sure where this topic should go, so if you think it would be better elsewhere, just shift... but you dont need my permission to that of course!
Ok, here we go. My wife and I both really want a dog, or a couple of dogs. My heart is set on a rottweiler. We live in the Republic of Panama, and I am very worried about someone breaking in to our house - been a foreigner over here can make you a target, I believe it is fair to say.
I feel a Rottweiler, while I would not want to train him specifically as a guard dog, would be excellent protection for my wife and for my home.
Here are the plus points that I have considered:
1) Our house is within its own compound, with no immediate neighbours, and the whole garden is surrounded by a 7 foot fence - there is plenty of room for a dog to run around to his hearts content without worry of him escaping or disturbing the neighbours.
2) I work from home, so would be able to actively be training the dog and I would be around with him all day - he will not be locked up each day for 8 hours alone.
Here are some negatives, or rather issues that need some clarification:
1) My wife would like a labrador really... if we buy a Lab pup and a Rott pup together, will they live happily ever after together?
2) We may well have children over the next few years, in fact I would think it will be within the year... we are practicing a lot at the moment ;o) could there be problems with a teenage Rottweiler and a new baby?
In conclusion, for the moment, I want the dog to be part of the family, and he will be loved by me no doubt about that - I had a terrier for many years that never ever left my side, I love dogs so much! Just, is a Rottweiler really what I am looking for?
Many thks for any help or advice you can give me,
"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."
George Bernard Shaw