sorry, i don't buy into your little game. it sounds like you're actually saying conservatives are justified in classifying liberals as "anti-american". you're pretending that there is no negative connotation associated with that term, and i'm sorry but it just doesn't jive.
Straight from
Main Entry: an·ti-Amer·i·can
Pronunciation: -&-'mer-&-k&n, -'m&r-, -'mar-, -i-k&n
Function: adjective
: opposed or hostile to the people or the government policies of the U.S.
- an·ti-Amer·i·can·ism /-k&-"ni-z&m/ noun
sure liberals are opposed to many present government policies of the u.s., but so are conservatives (especially when a democrat is in the white house). associating liberals with the term "anti-american" is exactly what smooth said it is - ideological manipulation.