Originally posted by nothingx
I was thinking he would want to do this from a boot disk since he's moving around /usr and that could have some OS stuff in it. I figured Linux would get unhappy if you started mucking around with the code it was running from. Maybe it wouldn't be a problem though, then maybe it's better to be safe.
Anyway, I was thinking there's no need for the /usrtmp dir because you can just throw the partition on /mnt. "mount /dev/hdb /mnt" or whatever. Then just cp -R /usr/* /mnt, umount /mnt, vi /etc/fstab, mount -a.
Edit: sorry if that isn't much of a coherent thought... I get that way when I start thinking about operating systems.
Makes sense to me
You may be right about the /usr/OS-stuff issue. I think because it loads that instance of the program into memory (and he's just doing a copy).. he'd be alright.
Mounting to /mnt or /usrtmp, doesn't make too much of a difference. Both do the same thing, just different names
