Originally posted by KellyC
Yep. I have this "stage fright" thing so I gotta go in an enclosed space.
This is actually more common than you might think. Some people have it all their lives, for others it comes and goes. I had the problem in my teen years -- I could use a urinal, but I had to really force the piss out if anybody was nearby -- but it stopped afterwards and never came back.
These days, I prefer a urinal, mainly because it's just easier and also because I get a little disgusted stairing at all the piss splashed around by the guys who came before me who _didn't_ raise the toilet seat first.
The only time I'll use the toilet stall is if either the urinals are all taken, or if I also need to deal with a bad case of the dreaded Monkey Butt.
Oh yeah -- there are still a few old-fashioned multi-user urinals around, the kind that are nothing but a long flat-bottomed metal sink hanging at just below waist height. I won't use those. They smell -- because the bottoms are flat, they don't drain fast -- and frankly, your piss (or worse, somebody else's -- can splash back at you. Most of these are gone, like I said, but you still find them here and there -- at flea markets, old drive-in movie theaters, and such.