Good evening,
Perspective has always been my artistic adversary. It is a tool of immense power, which I wield weakly at times.
My entry shall be twofold.
First, I offer an image I drew many moons ago but stopped because I felt it was missing something.
The burger was to be floating in the air in the foreground. All I saw was an oversized burger sitting on the table. The perspective was killing me.
Then tonight I revisited the image because of this thread. My daughter soon co-opted my art time by demanding I draw her a robot army. How could I refuse? I couldn't. Once I got her to bed I realized the two must be combined if I were to fulfill my destiny.
I call it... Bring Forth This Thing They Call Hamburger!
My life is filled with this type of exhilarating adventure.
next week: something from your personal laboratory