Originally posted by Peetster
It never fails.
Some rookie with two posts makes sweeping generalizations and expects to be taken seriously.
Good one! And so true. . .
Originally posted by Jew
Allowing smut on T.V. and the radio is freedom of speech but children praying in schools or saying God is what ?
I'm confused.
Please straighten me out because I must be densely ignorant.
OK. No one says that a child can't say "god" in school. No one says that children cannot pray in school.
They DO say that the school can't TELL them to pray and the school can't TELL them to acknowledge a deity.
See the difference?
Now, the pledge presents a problem here because schools, requiring them to say the pledge including the "under god" part, are requiring students to acknowledge the existance of a deity. If the student does not believe in a deity, then the school is forcing religion onto that student. It's just the same as if the school told the kid to pray. It's wrong, and a stop should be put to it.
Let me put it this way. What if the pledge said "one nation, under Ba'al, indivisible. . . " Would you object to reciting that?