My first car was a black suzuki sierra soft top. so naturally I called her "Suzi". The problem was that she kept breaking down on me all the time so she started to earn herself the nickname "The Whore". This was because even though she kept costing me a heap of money she was still fun to ride in. I eventually got rid of her because she was more whore than suzi. So I bought my present car, a blue mitsubishi lancer. I started to think of a name for the car but couldnt find one that really stuck. I was talking to a friend at work and he had this theory that if you named your car a female name then it would always break down all the time but a male name would produce loyal service. He has never found an exception of the rule and either have I. So i looked for a male name for my lancer. But since it is a real wog car I would constantly take the piss by calling it "De Lancer" (in wog accent). Eventually it just stuck as its name so now I just call my car "Delancer". I know they arent really original names but they just stuck. Kind of like how some samarai used to name there swords by maditating until the name just dawned on them.