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Old 03-23-2004, 04:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
Fantasy Dinner Party

Not sure if this has been done before (yes, I did a search), so I decided to start a thread on Fantasy Dinner Parties.

Here's the deal. You can invite any seven guests to your party. They have to be real historical or contemporary guests.

Who would YOU love to spend an evening in conversation with and why?

My choices are

1) Julius Ceaser
I am fascinated by Roman history, especially the Fall of the Republic. I would love to hear his side of the story, listen to him recount his campaigns in Gaul, his opinion of Cicero.

2) Jesus Christ
Though I'm an atheist, I believe Jesus was a real man who died for his beliefs. For the record, I haven't seen the current movie.

3) Winston Churchill
I find Churchill fascinating. Maybe he would be able to throw light on what Hess was really thinking when he flew to Scotland, or possible explain that infamous "destroyed telegram" that Himmler sent towards the end of the war.

4) Oliver Sachs
A gifted writer, humanist and pyschologist.

5) Noam Chomsky
Politically I'm left of centre and I find Chomsky's writings on socio-political subjects enlightening. I'm also a fan of neuro-linguistics and I'd love to discuss his debunking of Skinner's work.

6) Alexander the Great
Do I need to explain?

7) Thimistocles
The saviour of Athens during the Greco-Persian wars (another pet topic). Was he really bluffing about fleeing just before Salamis? Did he really make the Troezen Decree? How did he feel living his last days in the court of his great enemy?

Honourable mentions go to Abraham Lincoln, Richard Attenborough, Jean Moulin, Sameul Pepys, Charles Darwin, Daniel C Dennet, Steven Gould, Richard Dawkins (a bit of a pattern here, eh?!), Primo Levy, Cicero, Herodotus, Augustus Ceaser, Stalin and so many many more...

Mr Mephisto
Mephisto2 is offline  

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