Originally posted by popo
What do you mean? I've been told by the Left that this is just a territorial, and not a religious or cultural dispute. 
I don't think I'm being optimistic about peace. There will be bumps in the road but I really believe that soon as Palestinian extremists (yes, just the Palestinian extremists) are stopped, peace will come quickly. Israeli extremists just don't matter as much as the Palestnian ones, Yigal Amir or no Yigal Amir.
Its tough when the whole Arab world is fanning the flames of hate. Not only does Israel have to deal with Hamas, Al Aqsa, and Hezbollah locally, as well as heavily disputed regions such as Gaza, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights. Regionally You still have a very uneasy "peace" (if you can call it that) between Jordan/Syria/Lebanon, and hardline countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia stirring shit up. As said before, anything short of all out war will not help much.