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Old 03-19-2004, 04:40 PM   #63 (permalink)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Originally posted by cynicalgrrlll
Considering the fact the he does everything that you mentioned above as well as work full time and attend college full time, I think he does have his "ass in gear" that fact that you assumed that he didn't do any of this because he was an immigrant was what was insulting. He is working on getting his immigration status changed but I don't think you have ever been to through the process, because it does take a couple of years. and he's not even brown, so don't go there.

That fact the many people on this thread seem to lump all immigrants into a group is what becomes insulting.
Wow. You seem to just enjoy sticking your foot in your mouth. We lump all immigrants into a group? You're lumping all of us in with some facist anti-immigration whackos simply because we don't want to be overrun by illegal immigrants! Does it MATTER if your boyfriend is brown, or black, or yellow, or green? To you, apparently it matters. To the rest of us, who gives a flip? If he goes through the process of becoming a citizen, none of this argument even applies to him!

No, it's completely alright for you to complain that we're all just going to "so suck it up and get used to" the fact that "Hispanics right now are the largest growing race in America and in a short while will be the predominate race in the U.S." No, sorry, we DON'T have to suck it up and get used to it. In fact, we can stand up to it and DEMAND that our leadership address the issue of illegal immigration before it does turn our country into the third-world. You seem inclined to allow illegal immigrants to just go ahead and keep breaking the law, yet you chastise companies for hiring them. Oh, sure, Wal-Mart's evil for breaking the law, but Johnny Immigrant is completely pious for doing the same?

Your arguments sound like something a ninth-grade MEChA member would be spouting.
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