Originally posted by Thagrastay
Also,tecoyah, if you would be so kind, could you explain to me what a "truly open mind" is? I am being serious. I would very much like to know.
If I am being closed minded, then I need to know how to change that. And since I don't know what I don't know, I will need to know what to change to. Please help me, if you would be willing.
Thank you.
Certainly, as requested.
"In my opinion", an open mind is willing to listen without"immediate" judgement.
We all judge eventually, as this is how humans make descisions.
"In my opinion", open mindedness defines ones ability to change, in small increments the reality percieved in everyday life.
"In my opinion", open minded converstaion gives respect, if not agreement, to the opinions of all.
We will all eventually fail in this regard, due to intolerance, frustration, or any number of emotions we feel towards the topic at hand.
"In my opinion",A truly open mind thrives on alternate explanations, in an attempt to better understand as much as possible, about as much as possible.
"In my opinion",Open minded people, rarely resort to personal attack, as it serves little purpose above immediate release of emotion.(guilty as charged)
"In my opinion",an open minded debate, leaves room for acceptance of error, for that is an admission of knowledge gained.
"In my opinion",Calling something "Wrong" is a hallmark of closed mindedness, as it shows a mind already made up.
If you look at most of these posts, you will notice a pattern.
They are not directed at your beliefs(for the most part), but rather at the attitude in which you project them. I take no issue with what you understand as reality, nor with anyone elses(unless you go to the politics board..lol)as most here will verify.
I cannot speak to the thoughts of others, but for myself, I find your unintended(I hope)sarcasm and direspect for differing opinions to be painful to read.
Should you decide to reply to this honest answer to your query, with further negative and close minded comments.....you will not hear from me again, as I have grown weary of this entire situation.If however, you decide to take some of this to heart, I am sure we can all benefit from intellectual growth.
You have much to teach....but need to learn to teach it.
Not preach it.