Originally posted by aarchaon
The new Star Wars movies were good, but not great. Give me the originals any day.
I breaks my heart, but my 3 year old son prefers to watch Attack of the Clones over any of the original Trilogy. He does enjoy watching Return of the Jedi (mostly because of Jabba and the inevitable Ewoks) when I play them on LD. Hopefully once the DVD's are released he may find them to be better than the new Trilogy.
On a side note it was hilarious the other day when he and I were looking through one of the DK picture books and he made the realization that Anakin was inside Darth Vader. It really messed with his mind

I wonder what he'll think of Episode 3 when he finally gets to watch it.
Q. What is the difference between erotic and kinky?
A. Erotic is using a feather... kinky is using the whole