Shareholder's meeting
I got a black packet from Vanguard yesterday.
I'd gotten one last Fall too, and opened it a few months later, after its contents were no longer particularly urgent, so I opened this one this morning. It's an annual statement and proxy form for Novell. I have a few shares.
Normally, these things strike me as kinda "Yeah, so what?" but this one is a little different. For once, this company is relatively local, and I might actually go to the shareholder's meeting. My main reason for doing that would be because I've never been to one before. Might be boring, but... maybe not.
Novell and IBM are actively fighting SCO, and I'd like to see Novell continue to do so. If I went to the meeting, maybe there'd be something about that? Granted, I've not read most of the contents of the packet yet. The topic may already be addressed.
Has anyone else received this packet and read it already? I've not been big on reading these things so far, but I've only had shares of stock in anything for less than a year, so I lack experience.
I guess I should continue reading the contents before making up my mind to go. It'd mean taking a day off from work since I'd have to drive about 90 minutes each way to get there.