Alright, I have some emulation tools for games that I own on my PC since it saves me the burden of having an NES, Sega, N64, and PS2 all hooked up to the same TV, not to mention it makes my Gameboy games bigger and more pleasurable to play
So, here's the deal. I want to get one of those converters to use my Dualshock PS2 controller on my PC. (See: ) But, the PS2 controller has 4 buttons (not counting, L and R buttons, etc) while a Sega Genesis controller has 6.
So, who has had experience 1) using one of these converters and how well do they work? and 2) using a PS2 or other 4 button (not technically, you know what I mean) controller for games made for a 6 button controller? How difficult is it?