I'll answer one for you
5. U.S. Navy Captain Deborah Loewer, the Director of the White House Situation Room, informed you of the first airliner hitting Tower One of the World Trade Center before you entered the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida. Please explain the reason why you decided to continue with the scheduled classroom visit, fifteen minutes after learning the first hijacked airliner had hit the World Trade Center.
Because at the time no one was sure it WAS a terrorist attack. Planes have hit tall buildings in New York before on accident. Go look up some history. There is no point in waiting for data at that point, but you have people monitoring and as soon as you have more information you act. Waiting for said information does nothing.
I wonder if this group is paid for by the Kerry's like the two widows that went around the talk shows whining about the Bush adds were.