It's a horrific story, reminds me of one of my own "horrible-pet-stories" (which are, btw, quite numerous!)
We used to have three female-cats, and since they apparantly refused to take the 'birth-control-pill' we hid in their food, they occasionally got pregnant...
Now, we already had three cats, so a bunch of new kittens were too much to handle, so... we couldn't keep them, so... okay, we killed them allright!
(I realise, that this on its own is already a horrible story, but this one continues even further!)
Anyway, the mothercat --(without kittens, because we killed those...) off course was feeling all confused, mixed up with all sorts of hormones and i don't know what else...
One day, not too long after she had given birth, we saw her in the garden eating something, of which we thought it was a mouse or something alike... off course, it turned out those weren't mice at all, she was actually eating the dead bodies of her own kittens, we had buried them in the back of our garden...