Originally posted by motdakasha
It's perfectly acceptable not to have been in a relationship, or to be a virgin. I don't think we, society & media, put enough emphasis on waiting for the right person and abstinence in this (U.S.) culture as we should. That's what we teach in sex ed. classes, but that's not what the media tells us. There's just too much pressure on adolescents to not be virgins and such. We're growing up too fast.
Well generally I think you're right, but for most of us posting in this thread it has much less to do with societal pressure and more to do with a genuine desire to have meaningful relationships. It has not become about meeting the right person, but about meeting people in general so you can find your grounding in relationships and then, maybe, find the right person one day. I couldn't care less about what my family or this looming, artificial construct called society thinks. If being a hermit were emotionally healthy and in tune with my natural desire, I would have no problem living this lifestyle regardless of an outcast status. Sometimes I wonder though, maybe some people just aren't cut out for relationships in spite of an internal longing.