If the concern is physical, get out now. And by this I mean.. if you think you can "do better" than her physically, then that thought WILL stick with you until the times get tough, and then you'll dump her anyhow.
I am NOT advocating dumping someone for being "unattractive", however. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. BUT... if you don't find her attractive, that may change, but it won't change so radically that you'll never consider her unattractive again. I've fought this demon several times, justifying myself while being with a girl I wasn't particularly physically attracted to, and it's just too difficult to maintain every time you get close to someone you DO find physically attractive. You think "why couldn't she..." or "If only I..." and those thoughts do NOT belong in a relationship.
(This advice covers both sexes, btw. I'm an equal opportunity pig)
That said, if it doesn't involve physicality, you should just apply this same advice to whatever area you're concerned about. If she seems too "dumb", she probably always will. If she seems too "wierd", well, she might always.
Occassionally humans forget it's OKAY to be picky and only have sexual relationships with those we actually ARE crazy about.
Oh, wait.. you were concerned about pregnancy. If that's the case, it's simple... ask her if she'll swallow. Case closed!