Yeah, I can still taste, don't have any idea how to base it against those who can smell. I would assume it's like any other missing sense. Not to make it cliche... but I figure my taste took over for my inability for me to smell.
I have my likes and dislikes. Can't stand onions and peppers. Love sweets. I can identify pretty much every spice and ingredient in a meal I'm eating. Purely, by what I understand, is taste.
The only thing I can 'identify' is fumes... if they go directly up my nose. And that's only if they're like toxic.
Rubbing alcohol burns my nasal passages. Don't smell it, but it makes me choke. Smelling salts are horrible, make me gag.
But one time we had a gas leak in the house. I had no idea. My 2 dogs and I were 'drowsing' on the couch when my wife came home and freaked out that the house reeked of gas. I had no idea, I just thought I was sleepy.
We evacuated, called the gas company and had it fixed. I seriously could have died. We have had gas monitors installed since then.
But long story short, I can't smell, and really want to be able to, but have no idea what the root cause is.
Hey, this isn't rocket surgery.
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