Hi, I'm new here ~
Anyways I'll tell you the story.
There's this girl that really liked me (almost obessive), she gave me a little somethin on Christmas and was really shy about it. Finally I found out she was a few years younger than me (im 18), but she was REALLY hot for her age. But at this point I'm thinking, 'no man she's younger than you, what will OTHER people think'. It was dumb, I should have been thinking 'what do I think'. Anyways it's been a month and I haven't talked to her much, I'm not sure if she likes me anymore but I really want to have a relationship with her. I'm 18 but I've never had a real relationship yet (i know, sad).
Well TFPers, I was just wondering what advice you could give me on attracting her again or something. I'm not the type to just go up to her and ask her 'Do you like me?'.. I'm kind of shy with that stuff. What should I do
Thank you all...