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"You can call me any time. I mean it."

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by PonyPotato, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    I'm sure that nearly all of us have heard these words out of a friend or loved one's mouth before. How many of us have actually taken advantage of the offer of those words, though?

    My best friend was in town last night for a concert with a few friends. Because of their drive scheduling, I wasn't going to be able to see them before the concert, so I had half-forgotten about them being here until I got a phone call at midnight (about an hour after I'd fallen asleep).

    "My car got towed. Is there ANY way you can take me to go pick it up so we can get home?"

    My response: "Of course! I'll be there in 10 minutes, tops."

    And I was. It was about an hour out of my night to help out my best friend (who had to pay $174 to get her car back - predatory towing on campus is unreal), and it didn't bother me in the slightest. I know she'd do the same for me if the situation arose. Besides, I laughed my ass off when one of the 3 friends with her offered the tow truck guys some breastmilk in exchange for a discount on the fee.

    Have you ever had to call someone for help like that at a bad time? Have you received a phone call like that at an odd hour? What was your response?
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  2. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I have done it many times for my friends. Alot of times it has been the "im drunk can you come and get me". And I crawl out of bed and go help my friends because that's how we are. I try do to as I would want to be done to. I have no problem helping my friends out in a time of need.
    I guess its how we were raised and how we are with our friends. Sometimes I have helped people that I don't even know just because its the right thing to do. What of my wife or daughter needed help. Would some stranger help them? Id like to think so that's why I do it. I have changed peoples tires on the side of the road before. Makes no difference to me who they are.
    I admire you PonyPotato people need friends like you.
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  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Hah! Last year, on the Vacation From Hell, we had to call one of our besties. He was the best man in our wedding and he lived with us for three years, so we're very close--he's like a brother to us. We were going to camp along a lake in the Central Cascades when this enormous electrical storm rolled through in the late afternoon. We called S., looking for a place to crash because he lives not far from where we were, but he was asleep when we called the first time. By the time he called back mid-evening, the storm had gotten a bit better, and we thought we could tough it out.

    We called him back at 9pm, after we threw all our gear in the car and got the hell out of there. It was gnarly--I've never seen so much lightning. We rolled up to his place around 10, had some beers, and crashed. Luckily for us, they always have a guest bed ready.

    I would absolutely do the same for him, or any of my friends, for that matter. We did rescue him one time when he and another friend ran out of gas about 10 miles out of town on their way back from spring break.

    I know I can also call my parents or my in-laws at any time--they're quite reliable and helpful, even when they're far away.
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  4. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    I've never been the caller, but have occasionally been the callee.

    Reminds me of a joke:

    Good friends are people you can call at 3am to bail you out of jail. Best friends are in the next cell going "Man, that was fuckin' awesome!"
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  5. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I've never made the offer, but I've been called many times. I guess I have SAP written across my forehead. I have few people that I trust for emergencies. I've called a few people, on the rare occasion that I've needed help, and the response is far from overwhelming. Good thing I can count on me then
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  6. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I like your slightly(?) cynical tone, Cayvmann. Experiences of giving help without hesitation but getting a hesitant or negative response when you reach out will do that. It did me. I know I can count on me. If I absolutely have to I'll ask for help but the last time was many years ago and the the deciding factor was I had a grammar school kid with me.
    I've narrowed the group of people I would drop everything for to go to their aid. If I say 'call me anytime,' I don't need to say "I mean it,' 'cos otherwise I'd not utter the words.
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  7. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    That reminds me of my dad and our mixed-up restaurant caper.
    My dad was a quirky kind of fellow, mostly because of his experimental Epilepsy meds. (back in the 70's)
    We stopped to help a family on the side of the road with their flat tire during a rainstorm.
    My dad was pretty garrulous and apparently so was the other dad, for not long after, they were like old friends.
    After the tire change, the guy told my dad whenever we were in the next town over, we should come and be guests at their family restaurant.
    A few weeks pass and we're in the next town and he decides we were going to go have our free meal at their restaurant.
    I don't know if the original guy ever had the intention of honoring his "promise", (I like to think he did) but we went to the wrong restaurant, and my dad wouldn't let it go that we were at the wrong place, and the owner/manager was such a nice guy, (and probably wanted us the hell out of there, asap) he gave us a huge discount on our bill. My mother, not to mention we kids, were so mortified.

    Anyway, I like to help out when I can, and I've been given help in situations, myself. Yeah, so what comes around, goes around.
  8. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    This also helped me to understand helping

  9. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    ralphie250 : You tease, your image is rexxed!
  10. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I've only recently decided to quit helping people who otherwise don't have time for me. I still had the guilt, but I'm getting over that too.

    Some people, I would help every time, but that's mainly people I see as otherwise "helpless", and people who are rock solid friends when I need them.
  11. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I see it. Ill try again.
  12. I have a few people in my life who will get my immediate, no-questions assistance, but only a few. QW, on the other hand, will almost never say "No" to just about anyone. In fact, right now she's on a mission of mercy.

    A young man my daughter dated a couple of times is moving and had to return his rental truck before he was finished. She's over there with our van, hauling the final load. He's a good guy, and as with virtually all of our kids' friends, he's been adopted into our extended family.
  13. greywolf

    greywolf Slightly Tilted

    I love the description of a best friend as someone you know you can call at 2am because you're worried/upset/in trouble and they won't be upset because they're your best friend, but you won't call at 2am because they're your best friend and you don't want to bother them.

    I got a call from my brother-in-law last fall at about 8:30am on a Sunday... they had shot a 1200 lb moose the afternoon before and needed to have it registered by noon, but had had flat on the trailer they were using. Was there anyway I could run over in my truck and help them out? So I got dressed, drove an hour to where they were, we spent an hour loading the thing into my truck and tying it down (1200 lbs is a LOT of dead weight!!). We got it to the ranger station with 45 minutes to spare.

    Now my brother-in-law and his 2 pals think I'm the greatest guy in the world for all my inconvenience. My take on it was that I had great little adventure to break up a dull Sunday. I'm a non-hunter, but I was peripherally involved in a moose hunt. So, for having a little bit of fun myself helping out some friends, I get to look like a nice guy.

    And maybe that's what I like about my friends... I don't mind them helping me because I know they don't mind, and I enjoy helping them simply because it makes me feel good when I do. No matter what that involves.
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  14. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Once or twice I've called. About 4 years ago, right after we had bought our house and were only about 2/3 the way moved in, I got a nasty case of MRSA that put me in the hospital for 3-4 days and had me hooked up to an IV for a month. My parents, brother, sister, brother-in-law, and a couple close friends were all over getting the rest of our stuff moved in for us. That was hugely appreciated.

    On the other hand, I've been called many times. Usually it seems to involve kid watching duty. I think we've had other people's kids for several days while either their parents were at the hospital for the birth of the kids' baby brother/sister, or for a medical emergency, about 5 times in the last 4 years. Maybe more. I also had a friend who had a very serious medical problem that required almost a month in the hospital, and he was terrified to be there alone at night. So for a good stretch of the time I helped schedule a handful of friends (including me) to take turns spending the night in his room with him. Hospital chairs are not comfy, let me tell ya.

    In the end, for me, it comes down to this: Would they help someone else (not just necessarily ME) if the tables were turned? I think I have a pretty good core group of friends who will go out of their way to help one another, and not keep a running tab of what people owe them because of favors. That's how I try to operate. If you are my friend, and it is in my power, I will help you. And if you are close enough that I really call you a friend, I'm sure you'd help me if I really needed it, and that's all I need to know.
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  15. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I generally go with the principle that what goes around, comes around, and so what's going around had better be good.
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  16. OldBoy

    OldBoy Vertical

    I've only ever made the offer to family. And only family (including SOs) has ever called in a request. Only made the call myself once and it was from jail (the only time I've ever been in jail).
  17. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Same here. And for much the same reasons. It's a matter of what world do I believe I live in, and what world do I support.

    @Cayvmann's and @Fangirl's hesitancy I share: there are people who do not live in this world, but who insist on it being there for their own benefit. These days I am - a bit - better at identifying them.
  18. Bear Cub

    Bear Cub Goes down smooth.

    This is why I don't call "friends" anymore:

    Call friends from bar when drunk - check

    Friends show up - check

    Friends help limp you home - check

    Friends clean up blood from broken window incident - check

    Friends move you out of puke pile - check

    Friends take off your shirt - uh... check?

    Friends take video of you laying in toilet while being caressed along the head, neck, and back with k-bar knife - ...........
  19. itwasme

    itwasme But you'll never prove it. Donor

    In the wind
    That's funny, that was my first answer. Twenty some years ago my (now) ex called me from jail around 3am. He and a friend were both drunk, and his friend was arrested for DUI. I told him to sleep it off on the bench and hung up.

    I did help my nephew when he called after midnight. He had just gotten off work, slid on wet pavement around a corner, and drove his itty bitty car off the road and into a ditch. He knew I would be the one with a truck big enough to pull it out.