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Wow, just wow

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by RiverWolf, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. RiverWolf

    RiverWolf Vertical

    I can't decide if this is funny or disturbing, but another site I signed up to at the same time as this one actually has a board and a platoon of users dedicated to google image searching other members profile/gallery pictures to see if they are fake and deleting those members accounts.
    Now for someone like me that most of the time uses a wolf picture as my profile image, I would be deleted from the site for doing so?
    That's kind of a shitty thing to do in my book, what do you guys think?
  2. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    Could be a double bluff. You might actually be a wolf, pretending to be a man...
  3. RiverWolf

    RiverWolf Vertical

    You may even be right about that.
  4. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Don't Google my username at work. You'll find a ton of questionable shit.
  5. blahblah454

    blahblah454 New Member

    Questionable shit from outer space?
  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    That too. And Sultana's old avatar. Where the fuck did she go, anyway? I talked to her once while I was in college and then she disappeared.

    ...it's my fault.
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I did this once on a Google image search. I thought I had just browsed into a collection of production stills from a joint film by Michael Bay, Salvador Dali, Rob Zombie, and Woody Allen, and starring Henry Rollins and some skinny kid with ludicrously sparse facial hair.


    Just don't.
  8. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    This is why you use different names for different uses..
  9. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Or don't get a Facebook.
  10. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    you can have a facebook as long as you don't post or put anything on there that you would put on TFP.
  11. Cdwonderful

    Cdwonderful Getting Tilted

    Campbell, OH
    I wouldn't have to worry about it.....this is my real face.
    • Like Like x 3
  12. ThomW

    ThomW Vertical

    I don't understand this. Are you alluding to a rule of some kind? Did you mean to say: Don't post, etc. on Facebook anything previously posted on TFP? Is member participation here property of TFP? I don't want to violate any rules, but I have a Facebook account, and my interests here are also my interests there, and vice versa. What's the deal?
  13. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    There's no official rule -- I think it's just a "don't shit where you eat" type of deal. Many of us are quite candid here on the TFP, and many of us also have parents and cousins and dear old grannies on Facebook. Not the sort of people who need to know about your favourite sexual position or whatever.
  14. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I believe that was specifically directed at Plan, ThomW :) You can "cross-post" all you'd like, with the exception, of course, of sharing things other members have posted.

    Edit: and also, what Martian said (grrr, customers.)
  15. ThomW

    ThomW Vertical

    Thanks. I would think that posting elsewhere what TFP members have posted here would be immediate reason for banning, no discussion about it.

    One of the great aspects of the "Why are we here?" topic is the trust in confidentiality that feeling total acceptance by good people involves.

    Make it family, keep it in the family.

    End of issue.
  16. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    As the guy that would probably have that distasteful task fall to - because that's unfortunately my role, to at least lead that kind of discussion - I have to say "not necessarily". It really depends on what was said and in what context. There are people here that have disclosed potentially sensitive information - obviously we would want to protect that as much as possible. However, we don't police other sites, and a lot would be riding on exactly what happened.

    And that's not to mention that we would have to take into account who the offender was as well.

    While you may feel it would be simple, I promise you that it would be one of the tougher tasks that the staff could take on. And one that none of us would enjoy at all, even in a worst case scenario.

    The issue may seem simple, but it's far more complex than you realize. We have multiple tools available to the staff to deal with various issues, which makes things even more complicated, since there are multiple potential outcomes.

    As for the other board in the OP, that's someone with far too much time on their hands. I can't think of a reason to justify that kind of witch hunt.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2013
  17. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage


    It's totally your fault. Bastard.
  18. ThomW

    ThomW Vertical

    Jazz, I should have thanked you—or at least "Liked" your response. So, thank you.

    Relatedly, I want to thank whomever for maintaining a large archive of postings that are available to persons considering whether TFP would be the right place for them. You probably know that Googling a topic of interest—some sexual question, let's say—brings up postings from earlier TFP topics, which is a good thing, because the more that quality postings are available to people, the more that (1) TFP becomes a good resource for the general Internet community; and (2) the more that you draw in potentially-good members. (I read a lot of postings available to the general public before I decided to become a member.)

    So, the more that folks are willing to be highly candid in publically-available postings—including (Thom's Words For The Day) smartly bawdy, progressively tendentious, or conscientiously pugnacious—the more that TFP stays important generally.

    Excuse my tendency to get discursive, if that seems alienating. I love to write.

  19. FreeVerse

    FreeVerse Screw Tilted, I'm all the way upside down.

    Suburban Chicago
    Ah.. Sultana.. I remember her.. From the me I was when I was the me I used to be before I am the me I am now. Wrote a poem about how/why I admired her, back then.
    I am completely convinced the OP IS in fact, a wolf, and should be allowed to use photos of his brothers/sisters as his visual representation on whatever forum he so chooses, and that the forum that he found that is doing that is not right in deleting accounts like that, but for other reasons they might have cause (misrepresenting ones self where it would infringe legally on something/someone)